Docaposte GAIA-X’s project : GXFS-FR - English Version
12 MARS 2024 14:10
| Durée 19:04 | Vues 182
Yves-Marie have been architect at Capgemini for 10 years on some innovative projects (1st big migration of a company to Google Apps…) and CTO of Parkeon/Flowbird for 7 years (worldwide leader of parking meters, strong player in transit systems and mobile parking payments, IA to predict parking pressure…).Yves-Marie is now contributing to GAIA-X and GXFS-FR on behalf of Docaposte, the digital subsidiary of Group La Poste, among his responsibilities as an Architect in the Technical Directorate.
Gaia-x/GXFS-FR Return on experience on SSI
Evolution of the project (1)
How we manage Trust (2)
From personal Wallets to Orga Wallets (3)