PANEL 3 : Contrasting the Territories of Woman Suf-frage in the West and South
08 JANVIER 2020 16:15
| Durée 02:06:02 | Vues 998
CHAIR: SIMON GRIVET (Université de Lille)
Path(s) to Suffrage?: Female Enfranchisement in the Northern Plains States to 1920 GERRY BOYCHUK (University of Waterloo)
White Woman Suffrage and Settler Colonialism: Wyoming, 1869 VIRGINIA SCHARFF (University of New Mexico)
The Most Paradoxical Amendment? The 19th Amendment and the NAWSA Southern Strategy OLIVIER RICHOMME (Université Lyon 2)
Centering Southern Black Women in the Fight for Voting Rights Following the 19th Amendment BRIANA ROYSTER (New York University)
“Suffrage for Negro Women”: Alabama Clubwomen and the Quest for Suffrage, 1895 to 1920 LA-KISHA EMMANUEL (University of Alabama)