Planification de l’action. Cortex Frontal Mésial et boucles cortico-sous-cortico-corticales. Approches comportementales et électrophysiologiques
The aim of the GDRE 691 “The early programming of modern diseases in adulthood” (EPMD) is to consolidate the international network around the epigenetic, an innovative theme of neurosciences. This consortium groups high level researchers, internationally recognized in different neuroscience fields including the glycobiology. After the 29th june GDRE ceremony a 3 days summer school will open to the neurosciences community with a closing conference of Prof Bruce McEwen of Rockfeller University.
Professor Bernard Bioulac has played a major role in the French Neuroscientific Community as Deeputy Direction of the Life Sciences Institute at CNRS (Section of Neurosciences). Bernard Bioulac fondamental and clinical research activity has been devoted to the study of motor planning in normal and pathological situations. Thus, he gave support with his team in Bordeaux substiantial contribution to the development of deep brain stimulation and its extensive use in the treatment of movement disorders. As Director of Institut des Neurosciences de Bordeaux he has developed a Neuropole and created one of the first platforms in France for experimental primatology in order to study the neurodegenerative diseases. He has been the first Director of a LIA (Laboratoire International Associé au CNRS) between the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, University of Paris-Descartes and University of Bordeaux II. This LIA Laboratory is involved in the development of scientific collaborations on the physiology and physiopathology of the motor system with a particular regard to neural network modeling. He is actually Head of the Interdisciplinary Institut of Neurosciences (ITMO) of the Alliance pour les Sciences de la Vie et de la Santé (AVIESAN).