« Physical Risks of Climate Change »
Fredj Jawadi, Professeur de Finance et d’Econométrie Appliquée à l’IAE Lille, et Jean-Christophe Statnik, Professeur de Finance et Directeur du Master Finance à l’IAE Lille, ont le plaisir de vous convier à la conférence-débat :
Physical risks of climate change are assumed to be numerous. First, acute risks contain droughts, floods, extreme precipitation and wildfires. Second, chronic risks include rising temperatures, diseases into temperate zones, losses of biodiversity, etc. However, these physical risks of climate change are often exaggerated in the public imagination, leading to the formation of organizations such as Extinction Rebellion and the Last Generation. A meta-analysis of the economic impact of climate change and weather shocks suggests more modest yet highly uncertain damages. Regional estimates show that the most severe impacts are rather due to underdevelopment and mismanagement. Sectoral estimates confirm that most impacts occur at some remove from the financial sector. Prof. Tol discusses these main risks, their origins, their problems as well the required policies and solutions to limit these risks.
Cette conférence est organisée autour de l’ouvrage « Climate Economics : Economic Analysis of Climate, Climate Change and Climate Policy » publié par Richard S.J. Tol (Edward Elgar Publishing, 2023).